Make Them Stay:
5 Steps to Help Your Students
Remember Vocabulary
Webinar on Revision & Recycling for language teachers took place
on Saturday, March 23, 10:00-12:00 CET (GMT+1)
You can buy the recording for €37 (you will also get a pdf file with all activities we've discussed)
(If you are paying by a card in roubles, click here)

Why does vocabulary 'stick' with some students, while others struggle to memorise it? The reason might be not only in their capacities but also in how we teach them.

The webinar will introduce you to the practical system of revising and recycling vocabulary: when and how to implement it in your lessons to make your students remember new words and expressions. You will:

Get a step-by-step guide to implement in your classroom
to make your students remember vocabulary effortlessly (or so it will seem).
Learn about 30+ efficient revision activities
to make your lessons more varied and engaging.
Understand how to better sequence your lessons
while gaining insights some not-so-obvious ways of recycling vocabulary.

The webinar will take place on Saturday, March 23, at 10:00 CET (GMT+1) and will last for about two hours (or maybe more, depending on how many questions you've got :))

We'll explore a 5-step guide to Revision & Recycling:
Step 1: Understand what revision and recycling are and where they belong
We'll talk about the difference between revision & recycling and when it's most efficient to do them.
Step 2: Revision. When and how to do it?
We'll explore how you can make use of various tasks and how this approach can help you plan sequences of lessons rather than individual classes.
Step 3: Recycling. When and how to do it?
We'll discuss how to efficiently work with emergent language and make the most of your teaching talking time.
Step 4: Outside the classroom. Ideas for homework
You will get examples on what to assign your students as homework to make vocabulary "stick".
Step 5: Equip your students for the future
I will share some ideas on how you can approach revision and recycling to promote learner autonomy.

Don't worry if you can't join us online. The recording will be available on March 25.

You will also get a pdf file with all the activities we've discussed.

Looking forward to seeing you!

The price is €27 if you book before the webinar, and €37 if you buy the recording after the event has taken place.

Yulia Efremova
Delta-certified EFL teacher and teacher trainer, PhD

I don't assign "learn vocabulary" as homework, but my students still remember it. This is the result of a well-thought-out system I've developed over the years – a system that you can master too.

  • DELTA (1&2; module 3 in progress) and CELTA-qualified English teacher and teacher trainer.
  • 15+ years of teaching experience.
  • Currently working with groups of adults online and run a methodology group for teachers.
  • I reflect on teaching and don't stop developing professionally.
contact info
Phone: +49 176 35457028
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