Yulia Efremova
Delta-certified EFL teacher and teacher trainer
About me
Delta-certified EFL teacher, teacher trainer, PhD

15+ years of teaching English as a foreign language. I have experience working in a state school and university, but my true passion is working with adults (including teachers), which I have been doing for the most part of my teaching career.

I have a degree in TESOL as well as Cambridge teaching qualifications: CELTA (Pass B), Delta M1 (Pass with Merit) and Delta M2 (Delta M3 in progress). My level of English is C2+ (CPE Grade A).

I'm a huge proponent of the lexical approach and dogme. I use both in my lessons and help other teachers implement them in their classrooms. I also promote reflection, as I believe this tool is crucial for both teachers and learners. I love experimenting, and professional development is a big part of my life.

I am based in Jena, Germany. I've got two kids, and in my free time, I enjoy taking long walks and reading books for teens.

Consulations and Observations
Help you find tailor-made teaching solutions and look at your teaching from a different angle.

at a convenient time
€60 / 60-minute consultation
€100 / observation (including pre- and post-observation meetings)
Practical Methodology group
Help you gain more insights from the reading, structure them and implement them in your teaching. The group is like a staffroom where you can share your concerns and get your questions answered.

Friday, 17:00-18:10 CET
€7 / meeting
English group 'Around the World' (C1/C2)
Level up your English while working with authentic materials and learning more about different cultures of the world and yourself. The price includes personalised learning plan (individual tasks and my weekly feedback + meetings with me to discuss your goals and progress)

Monday, 08:30-10:00 CET
€27 / week
Consultation: what it involves
Pre-Consultation Questionnaire
I send you the questionnaire to fill in before the consultation, then we briefly discuss it in the chat.
Consulation (60-90 minutes)
I ask you more detailed questions and help you find a solution or way to develop. We come up with an action plan.
Action Plan
You start implementing the action plan in your teaching. In the seven days after the consultation, I answer the further questions that you might have and provide additional guidance if needed.
Observation: what it involves
Pre-Observation Meeting
You prepare the lesson plan, we meet for 20-25 minutes for you to tell me more about it. I don't make any suggestions at this point but I might ask you additional questions.
Lesson + Writing a Post-Lesson Reflection
I come to your lesson (if it's online) or watch the recording. After the lesson, I send you the post-lesson reflection form to fill in.
Post-Observation Meeting
After I have received your post-lesson reflection and evaluation, we meet for about an hour. I ask you questions to make you better understand what happened in the lesson and what your strengths and areas for development are. We identify what you are going to work on in the nearest future and how you are going to do it.
Practical Methodology Group
Friday, 17.00-18.10 CET. We are currently working with "Teaching Lexically" by Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley

The aim of the group is to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Our discussions are based on the book (we read and discuss two or three pages every week), and I assist you in understanding and implementing the ideas from it in your teaching.

At every meeting, you

• reflect on your teaching in the previous week (have you applied any of the principles/activities we discussed last time? what have you learned?);

• discuss theory from the book;

• do practical tasks;

• develop an action plan (what, where and how are you going to implement before our next meeting?).

If you need a boost or feel stuck and want to try something new, come and join us. Even attending just one meeting might impact your teaching. You can join the group at any moment. The price is €7 per meeting

For learners

English lessons (+ personalised learning plan)
focus on speaking and vocabulary
A2/B1 (Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate group)
Tuesday / Thursday 17.30-18.30 CET
Lessons with Outcomes Pre-Intermediate (2nd edition)
We are now in the middle of the book

1 spot left
€13 / lesson (special offer if you join in 2023)
B2 (Upper-Intermediate)
Start in January 2024
time to be confirmed

Lessons with Outcomes Upper-Intermediate (2nd edition)
4-8 participants in the group
€19 / lesson
(60 min, twice a week)
C1/C1+ (Advanced) 'Around the World'
Monday 8.30-10:00 CET

Tailor-made course based on authentic materials
4-8 participants in the group
€27 / week
(including personalised assignments + my weekly feedback)
How we work
In class
In the lessons, I use communicative and lexical approaches as well as dogme. We mainly focus on speaking and vocabulary. You spend about 30-50% of the lesson working in pairs. We do some revision every lesson, so you'll definitely remember the words you need. You will need Zoom, Google Documents and Telegram chat for our classes.
Outside class
There's always a small mandatory part of the homework and a bigger optional one; it's up to you to decide how much time you are ready to allocate to English every week. As optional homework, I often ask you to record voice messages and give you detailed feedback on them. If you want more speaking practice, there are also study-buddy meetings. Once a week, you meet with a groupmate and do the tasks I design specifically for these meetings.
On Top of That
The course includes 1-to-1 meetings with me at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the year. We meet for about 40 minutes to discuss your impressions of the lessons, your progress, goals and learning strategies.
The time doesn't work for you?
fill in the short questionnaire and I'll see how I can help
Contact info
+49 176 35457028
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